Monday, February 26, 2007

It's "Cheese"!

Well, our littlest guy said his first "real" word yesterday- "cheese". Now he's saying it over and over whenever he wants anything to eat or drink- he's very proud of his ability to actually voice a want or need in a language other than screaming his head off, which he's done basically since the moment he was born.
I say first "real" word because he's said "mama" "dada", and something that sounds like "kitty" when referring to the cat- oh, and he can bark really well. But, cheese he said very clearly, standing on the floor looking up at the counter that had on it a block of, well, cheese.
It's sort of funny- how those little things are such milestones for a baby- he'll say cheese, and lots of other words all the time for the rest of his life, and they'll be just words. But that very first one is somehow different. It's like suddenly, that one little word means so much more than "cheese".
It became the first instant Ezra's little voice produced a sound that had context and meaning that another person can understand perfectly. It became the joy of watching the spark light up his eyes as he heard himself say a word and saw me smile at him and respond. It became that first little step over the threshold from infancy to childhood. The sound of his voice saying "cheese" instantly carried the meaning of all future words his voice will ever utter.
Finally, he has the tools necessary to take that giant leap from this:

To this:

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Thoughts on "Dr. Judgemental" and Homebirth

I stumbled onto a blog several weeks ago- basically discussing the safety of homebirth.( At least that's what it claims to discuss. It's more like the ongoing rant of a retired OB who is viciously against homebirth, and also midwives and anything connected to the term "natural".
I'm hardly surprised at the concept of an OB being against homebirth. And I have no problem with someone wading through the studies and literature to find out if homebirth truly is as safe as it's claimed to be by the midwifery community. I'm all for separating truth from fiction. My problem with Dr. Amy Tuteur is that she has an agenda, which she is dishonest about. When she says her sole purpose is to provide women with the facts, then proceeds to post numerous diatribes which reflect nothing more than personal opinion, and routinely attacks positions that differ from hers- based on nothing more than philosophical differences, and again, personal opinion- well, that I have a problem with. Not that I care if she has her opinions- but don't disrespect your reraders by claiming to only be providing facts when facts only make up a small portion of your posts.
The thing is, I don't even disagree with a lot of what she says. My sister called her "Dr. Judgemental" after reading some of her site. I think it fits, so I'm going to use it. It's her utter lack of respect for other people with differnt views that bothers me. Also, her narrow-mindedness. She is so opinionated that she is unable to accept that you can have a different view, and niether one is necessarily wrong. There are some things that are just not worth arguing about- especially when it comes to personal philosophy. Yes, many homebirth advocates are driven by a specific philosophy. But so are doctors, and the medical establishment. I know I always tend to take the middle ground on things, but it's not out of the need to avoid conflict (believe me, I've never run from an argueament!!). It's more out of the fact that both sides (regardless of the issue), have valid points. There is some truth to both. And niether is based on a pure black-and-white principals that all members uniformly adhere to. When someone is so passionate about proving a point that they can no longer see clearly, it's rather sad. Dr. Judgemental does this. She has her preconcieved and largely made-up notion of what a "natural childbirth advocate" is. There is no room for any variation no matter what anyone says to her. She has us all wrapped into her neat little packages- unfortunately (for her) people don't always (or even usually) fit into a perfect little category. It is possible to strike a balance between two diametrically-opposed schools of thought. As a matter of fact, when it comes to this subject; homebirth vs. hospital birth, midwifery-model vs. medical-model, nature vs. technology, etc etc's actually smarter to look at the positive aspects of both, or at least accept that your way isn't the only "right" way.

I have spent a lot of time commenting to some of her posts. Not really a lot of time, just a few minutes here and there. But, too much time nonetheless. I am convinced she is purposely argumentative- probably just to generate comments, but I realized (as many already have) that it is a complete waste of time. I have many opinions of my own on the subject, and I plan to express them, but on my own site, on my own terms, when something strikes my interest. She has no intention of ever really looking at anyone's arguement with a clear and balanced eye, so why bother? Most people, regardless of their opinion on homebirth, can read her posts, and come to their own conclusions on what motivates her. And it certainly isn't the "Truth" or the "facts" or even the best interest of women and babies. She is driven by her own philosophical outlook on life, and is rather uneducated on the very subjects she routinely dismisses or attacks.
Unlike her constant claims, homebirth is NOT unsafe, by any means, if you are an appropriate candidate for homebirth. There is NO scientific evidence ANYWHERE that shows homebirth to be unsafe. In fact, it has been proven safe time and time again. Is it "as safe or safer than" hospital birth? That is the real question. And the answer is not as simple and clear-cut as Dr. Judgemental makes it out to be. That is something I definately plan on going into on a deeper level when I have the time. (ha- as if I ever have spare time!!)
Anyway, I have lots to say- being a woman who has had 3 very different births- one a c-section in a hospital, the second an intended homebirth with a transport to the hospital, and the third at home with a midwife. I will write about each of these when I have the time, and what my experiences have taught me. I'm not an obstetrician, nor am I a midwife. But, unlike the stereotypical homebirther (according to Dr. Judgemental) I am well informed of the risks and benefits of all options available to me, I am educated, and have a very solid grasp of both science, and statistics. There is a lot of propoganda and un-truths on both sides of the homebirth issue. It's just too bad that an obsterician, who appears to be both intelligent and educated, tries so hard to sway women into her way of thinking by using fear tactics, portraying opinion as "fact", and continuously implying that anyone who disagrees is ignorant, uninformed, and unable to grasp either staistics or science. I just don't understand why she feels the need to denigrate other woman's choices to make her point (with no real scientific evidence to back her up). Luckily not all doctors are like her.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Space Filler

It has been quite a while since I have taken the time to write anything. My page here looks pretty empty with just one pointless post- Maybe another will help a little...
For whatever reason, I haven't been inclined to take the time to sit here and reflect on much- partly because life has been SO busy lately, and partly because it's that time of year. February. Cold. Blah. This is, by far, my least favorite month of the year. Thankfully it's also the shortest.
And February in central Maine is, well, Cold. It's been so cold here even the snow is staying away.
As most of you probably know, I have been working very part time since we had our last baby. I love being home with my kids, and I wouldn't change it for anything. But, at the same time, I miss working, too. Especially because I really love what I do. I'll go back to that soon- I know I have lots of time for that, but my children will be little for only a short time. It passes so quickly- I can't imagine spending most of every day away from them. I would miss so much. As much as I love my carreer, and as much as I learn from it, it could never equal what I have experienced and learned through my children- about them, about myself, about life. I plan on talking about some of those things, at some point.
This blog really has no specific point- it'll probably be a little bit of everything, and nothing- whatever I'm thinking about at the moment. Some of it will be work related- stories, experiences, etc from the animal hospitals/clinics I've worked at. There is never a shortage of funny, unusual, gross, or flat out strange experiences when you work with animals- it never gets boring! But home life never gets boring either, so I'm sure you'll hear lots about that too. Probably more than you want to.
A few of the things that have happened since my last blog (on my (other) space): My brother David, and his wife Sam had their baby girl- December 15. Her due date was March 6, so little Mia came very early. The had us all very worried for a little while, but besides being teeny, and a bit undercooked, she's strong and fiesty, and is now finally out of the NICU and home with her parents. I can't wait to FINALLY see her next week!!!! (we never made it to the NICU due to one or all of us being sick every time we planned a visit).
My brother Isaac, and his wife HIA are expecting their first baby in July. I am so excited for them. Hia told me they just had an ultrasound, and they know the sex of the baby- but I can't say anything yet.
Our littlest guy, Ezra, just turned a year old in January- time flies. Everyone says that, but I've never experienced it as intensely as I do now that I have children, and I can actually watch them change by the day, with my own eyes.
My sister Debbie got her identity stolen. As of last week, they (whoever "they" are) has spent about $20,000 in her name. She won't be liable for any of it, but it's a huge pain-in-the-ass for her in the meantime. She's unsure how exactly her information was stolen, though she was one of the people who recieved notification that her info was compromised about a month ago because some hacker got into company files and stole account information (I forgot the name of the company responsible). She lives in Massachusettes, where a large proportion of the victims were from. No fun- especially since she just started her last semester of law school, and really doesn't need the extra stress!!
There has been lots of other things happening too, but I'm done for now- off to sleep (I know, it's pathetically early...) Goodnight!

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Not quite sure what I'm doing...

I finally followed a friend's advice and got a real blog. I'm brand new to this blog thing- and not too swift when it comes to computers in general, but I'll give it a try. Why not? It gives me some much needed quiet time away from the daily chaos of 3 kids, a husband, and various pets...
At the moment, the Superbowl is on- I'm rooting for the Bears. Why? Not really sure. The Patriots are out- , and the Colts are the ones who beat them, so why not root for the Bears? Besides, I think they're the underdog, and I always root for the underdog. Typical way for a female to pick- or so I'm told by annoyed males who don't get why I don't get football...
Ah well, the commercials are good... I guess. Goodnight for now!